Dormono entrambi...non vedran la mano che li percuote.Non pentirti, o  μετάφραση - Dormono entrambi...non vedran la mano che li percuote.Non pentirti, o  Αγγλικά πώς να το πω

Dormono entrambi...non vedran la ma

Dormono entrambi...
non vedran la mano che li percuote.
Non pentirti, o core;
viver non ponno...
Qui supplizio, e in Roma
obbrobrio avrian, peggior supplizio assai;
schiavi d'una matrigna.
Ah! No! Giammai!
Muoiano, si.
Non posso avvicinarmi:
un gel mi prende e in fronte
mi si solleva il crin. ~
I figli uccido!...
Teneri figli...
Essi, pur dianzi delizia mia,
Essi nel cui sorriso
Il perdono del ciel mirar credei
Ed io li svenerò? Di che son rei?
Di Pollοon son figli...
Ecco il delitto.
Essi per me son morti!
Muoian per lui.
E non sia pena che la sua somigli.
S'incammina verso il letto; alza il pugnale; dà un grido inorridita;
al grido i fanciulli si svegliano.
Ah! No! Son miei figli!
Li abbraccia piangendo amaramente.
Olà! Clotilde!

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Αποτελέσματα (Αγγλικά) 1: [Αντίγραφο]
Sleep either ...vedran not the hand that strikes them.Do not repent, or core;VIVER ponno not ...Torture here, and in Romeopprobrium, worst torture very avrian;slaves of a stepmother.Ah! No! Never!Die, you.I can't get close:a gel and takes me in frontI will lift the crin. ~I kill children! ...Cute kids ...They, while above my delight,They in whose smileForgiveness of ciel mirar believedAnd I svenerò them? That son rei?resoluteBy Pollοon son sons ...Here is the crime.They are dead to me!Muoian for him.It is not that his punishment Salazar.Strike.He moves towards the bed; He raises the dagger; gives a horrified cry;the cry the children wake up.Ah! No! Are my children!Embrace them weeping bitterly.Ahoy! Clotilde!
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Αποτελέσματα (Αγγλικά) 3:[Αντίγραφο]
Both are sleeping ...
not vedran the hand that strikes them.
does not repent of is breaking, or core;
colurs actions do destry, ...
Here punishment, and in Rome
reproach avrian, worst torture very;
slaves of a stepmother.
Ah! No! Never!
Die, yes.
i can not get initiated:
a gel takes me and in front
i raises the crin. ~
THE children kill ...
Tender children ...
They, although earlier delight my,
they in whose smile
The forgiveness of the ciel mirar credei
and i li svenero? Of that son rei'
Of Pollοon son sons ...
Behold the crime.
They for me son dead.
Muoian for him.
AND is not worth that his looks.
goes toward the bed, he raises his dagger; from a cry horrified;
the cry of the children awaken.
Ah! No! Son my sons!
embraces them weeping bitterly.
Ola! Clotilde!

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